The title BODYWHOLENESS was created by combining the words body and whole, in a synthetic way it refers to the issues of the project. It is an attempt to think of man as a holistic being, in which carnality is inseparably intertwined with the soul and mind. Such an attitude is important, especially today, when busy with everyday life, overwhelmed by media messages, bombarded by visual stimuli, we forget about the body, we think only about its external surface – its appearance. We cease to be in the body, to be the body, to be the BODYWHOLENESS. Is it possible to take at least a small step to be closer to the body, as is used to be?

follow on Ig: @bodywholeness

dance/taniec: @em_czy
photography/fotografia: @johana_pl
curator/kuratorka: @vilemflusser

The project was created as part of Berlin_forum kultury_Wrocław initiated and implemented by Convivium Berlin e.V., Kulturzug / Train to culture and Culture Zone Wrocław as part of the AIR Wro program – in cooperation with TIFF Center and GLOGAUair Berlin. Project BODYWHOLENESS is supported and funded by the Senate of the City of Berlin for Culture and Europe.